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End of Warranty

Data Processing and Analysis

End of Warranty is one of the most crucial periods in the lifecycle of blades from the asset owner point of view.

Many times, this is when OPEX budgets are defined for the duration of the asset. If the condition of the blades are not fit before the handover, repairs should have been covered in the warranty period by the OEM.

Who is this service for?

Our End of Warranty (EOW) service is designed to support asset owners with EOW campaigns for the best outcomes.

When EOW documentation is not completed, the asset owner can assume liability for costs that they shouldn’t. This WPL solution is supported by other services such as data processing and internal inspections.

Benefits of End of Warranty Support

Insurance Market:

An EOW analysis helps confirm that operators have fully assessed their turbines before warranties expire, reducing the likelihood of post-warranty claims. This minimizes unanticipated risks and claims, as the analysis ensures that any potential issues are identified and resolved under warranty, giving confidence that turbines are in optimal condition.

Owners & Operators:

An End-of-Warranty (EOW) analysis is critical for identifying and resolving potential issues before the warranty expires. Comprehensive analysis of operation and vibration data is essential to target inspections effectively. By analyzing these data sets, you can pinpoint components that are more likely to fail and prioritize them for inspection. This focused approach ensures that necessary repairs or replacements are addressed under warranty, reducing financial risk and maintaining optimal turbine condition to prevent post-warranty failures.


OEM is trying to do minimal warranty effort with respect to blade repairs to keep their cost down.


OEM will not repair under warranty if not documented by the client, and client had no inhouse blade expertise or inspection capabilities.


WPL produced independent warranty documentation for reducing short- and long-term risk for severe blade failures and OPEX costs for the remaining lifetime.

What to expect