Root Cause Analysis
The When, How, Why, and What of Blade Failures
Wind Power LAB root cause analysis services (RCA) provides insurers and wind turbine owners the proximate cause for a wind turbine blade failure.
Wind Power LAB’s RCA Team comprises of individual experts on all things that affect blades, lightning attachments/systems, structural defects, manufacturing errors, etc. Let our forensic fact finders shed light on complex blade failure issues.
Who is this service for?
WPL supports the insurance industry and asset owners alike with blade RCA services.
From catastrophic failures involving tornado-strength winds, to lightning strike internal flashovers, including serial defects and manufacturing errors – WPL’s experts are regularly solving the toughest blade-related physics challenges.
Why use WPL RCA Services?
Receive a technical RCA report with detailed information sufficient to assess turbine reconstruction cost accountabilities, covering assessment of found defects, a discussion of possible defect origin, and a conclusion on determined failure root cause(s) with supporting key evidence.
Catastrophic blade failure claimed as lighting strike with a resulting claim of EUR 1 million
Conflicting failure mode assumptions caused delay in claim processing, responsibility and pay out
Root Cause Analysis based on sourced data proved the blade failure to be related to blade structure, not lightning
What to expect
- Engage with stakeholders around goals, outcomes and cost
- RFI to loss adjuster and insured to gather all information needed
- Inspection (onsite, remote, or desktop) and data assessment
- Theory alignment, further analysis, research and report writing
- Report handover to client and ongoing stakeholder support